A Guide to Tinctures

April 04, 2024

A Guide to Tinctures


Here at Kauai Farmacy we get asked all the time, “What is an Herbal Tincture? Why and how should I take it? What Tincture should I take?” These are great questions because the answers put the power of health and wellbeing into your own hands. Let's “drop” in for a minute and start with the basics.

What is a Tincture?
A Tincture is the essence of a plant concentrated in liquid form. First, fresh plant matter is harvested at peak potency. Then, the herbs are infused in high proof alcohol for 6 weeks. The alcohol acts as a menstruum to pull out the beneficial constituents of the plant and preserves the elements of each herb, keeping the constituents active and alive for years. This is an ancient and time tested way to access the chemical components, minerals and magic contained in each herb.

Why take a Tincture?
Tinctures are highly regarded in the Natural Health community for their ease and efficiency of use. They target very specific aspects of your health and when dropped under the tongue, are transported directly into the bloodstream with benefits felt within the hour.


How to take Tinctures

A technique used by most Herbalists called “drop dosage” is a very subtle but effective way to introduce the herbs into your body.

1. Check in with your body and see how it feels without the medicine. Get a baseline. 

2. Bring the Herbal Tincture into your field and put one drop of the Tincture under your tongue and notice how you feel.

3. Most common protocols begin with 10-15 drops of the Tincture. Add it to a glass of water or tea or take it straight under the tongue and hold it there for a minute.

4. For acute conditions like colds, flus, or aches, we like to take a dose 3x a day until symptoms improve. For chronic conditions like fatigue, insomnia or stress, we do a dose 1-2x a day until symptoms improve (as a rule of thumb it is always recommended to discuss new protocols with your health practitioner).

Which Tincture Should I Take?
This is another question we are asked all the time. Knowing which Tincture to take requires that you already know a bit about your health needs. Tinctures are potent herbal delivery systems and need to be given some thought. We  choose to create and use single herb tinctures so that you get to know the power of each plant. We offer a myriad of herbal tinctures to help address specific health concerns and support a balanced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life. From Lilikoi Flower for sleep, Butterfly Pea for beauty, to Ginger for digestion & Spilanthes for oral care, there is something for everyone. Here are a few more of our favorites:

Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha is a fortifying adaptogen, suited to replenish chi (life force), provide calm & balanced  energy, and increase the body’s overall resistance to stress.

Brahmi - Brahmi has been revered for centuries because of its role in promoting nervous system rejuvenation and regeneration. Brahmi has been shown to offer nootropic properties: enhancing cognitive functions, memory, creativity, and will-power.

Mamaki - Mamaki strengthens the muscles, tissues, blood, and respiratory system. It contains abundant Iron and can help address adrenal fatigue. A wonderful ally during allergy season.

Now you are equipped to take Tinctures! This simple yet powerful herbal practice is a potent ally in holistic wellness, becoming a faithful friend as you navigate health concerns and conditions throughout your life. Ideal for daily use and on-the-go and travel scenarios, tinctures require no preparation for consumption. Experience the natural benefits of tinctures today!