Diversity, What we need to Thrive!

July 20, 2017

Diversity, What we need to Thrive!

Nourish • Restore • Rejuvenate
Comfrey leaf Diversity is the key to maintaining balance within. We grow 70+ medicinal herbs and spices using permaculture, bio-dynamic, backyard-gardening techniques; mixed in with our own unique Kauai-grown practices. All of our plants are interwoven beneath the garden's top soil in an elaborate yet simple root system that is in constant communication. The herbs share information with one another in this diverse underground network through the exchange of essential living vitamins and minerals. Based on the diversity, the herbs thrive and build their very own immune system. The aerial parts of the plants also play an important role in this underground information exchange; composting diverse vitamins and minerals back to the earth when they fall. When deciduous leaves reach maturity, they fall to the earthly soil and impart themselves back into the ground allowing the roots to be nourished by them. When possible, we try to emulate what would naturally occur in nature. We purposefully feed the unused parts of the plants, such as the cacao pods, back to the base of the cacao trees and adjacent plants, to further nourish the soil with their abundant magnesium; which the surrounding plants in turn, naturally absorb for growth. Thus the all-powerful and sustainable closed-loop cycle of life continues based on ultimate diversity. In similar fashion, the Comfrey plants provide nitrogen to their neighboring counterparts. The bees and volunteer pollinators also play their role, carrying pollen from plant to plant, exchanging additional communications above ground. The diverse gardens are a communal landscape of bountiful herbal varieties; much in the same way that we are a community of diverse individuals sharing our own unique qualities, traits and energies with one another. This diverse information preserved in the plants is harnessed when the plants are cared for with pure intentions, using thoughtful sustainable practices, and harvested with gratitude. This artisan process includes our hand-harvest and customized, slow-curing, solar-dehydration methods; for which the delicately preserved plant constituents are able to carry the plant's original raw intention straight to your cup. Our powerful immune-boosting Herbal loose-leaf teas and fine Superfood spice blends are the result of the garden's unique diversity. For measure; almost all herbal medicine that is currently commercially available is farmed on sprawling acres of land, and mono-cropped in rows upon rows; typically resulting in the soil becoming mono-cultured, and deficient in the nutritious vitamins and minerals plants need to thrive. As a result, mono-cropping, mega-farms are forced to spray chemical pesticides to fend off the pests, and add chemical fertilizers to compensate for the deficient soil. In contrast, the diversity of the plant environment in our organic backyard garden setting strengthens and protect the plants from outside predators; essentially bolstering the garden's very own immune system. So the more diverse the organic plant life is in the gardens; the stronger the gardens' immune system will be. Likewise, the more diverse the herbs in our herbal tea blends; the stronger our immune system will be. In both instances, the strength is found in the abundant array of diverse vitamins and minerals collectively performing to nourish, restore and rejuvenate. Vitamins and minerals are naturally intended to protect us from illness and dis-ease; strengthen our bodily defenses to create empowering immunity; and promote longevity. Unfortunately, modern lifestyles and dietary practices today are limited and sometimes altogether lacking in the necessary diverse vitamins and minerals our bodies need. It is essential that we integrate these diverse herbal plants back into our daily lifestyles, so like the ever-present abundant herbal gardens, we too can thrive! Kauai Farmacy products