Puakinikini lei making with my girls. We receive a gift each time we learn something new. It's amazing when I see my children experiencing "first times" as they grow: pure revelations & enlightening discovery. There are infinite lessons & growth that shape who we are as growing individuals & as a community.
Similarly, the herbal lifestyle casts revelations in much the same way: abundant "first times" with each experience. Herbs have the power to ignite the childlike discoverers buried deep within each of us; We learn to feel our body again in new ways; we heighten our senses & tune into our intuitive selves on a cellular level, as the herbs begin to bring clarity to sensations that may have become dormant over time; we spiritually re-learn our primitive connection to nature with every sip; identifying our life force that is triggered with the intake of every vitamin & mineral; & we subconsciously re-prioritize what brings us most into balance - nutrition, hydration & rest.
Herbs help us to reveal truths about our short-comings & our lifestyle practices that aren't serving us; The herbs help us learn that for some of us, habitual patterns are relentless & are not easily broken, challenging us to be patient & flexible; We learn that time plays a powerful role in our personal advancement & transformation, & that consuming the herbs over time takes personal dedication. And when injury presents itself, the practice of an herbal lifestyle aids us in rediscovering our calm breath. This alone is triumphant.
Herb consciousness is real. We may not always like what we discover; forcing us to delay transformation; however, herbal truths are here to remind us; to teach us; to evolve us to become our better selves when we are ready and willing to receive the lessons being gifted to us.
Its all about the lifestyle!
The Kauai Farmacy Team xoxoxo