Kelly Brogan MD visits Kauai Farmacy

October 07, 2020

Kelly Brogan MD visits Kauai Farmacy

"Kauai is a magical place. Called The Garden Island, the botanical diversity nearly assaults the senses (well, a New Yorker’s senses, anyway). It’s also home, on the West side of the island, to Monsanto headquarters, rendering this idyllic haven a kind of crucible of light and dark forces.

Doug is a former East Coaster who moved to Kauai to heal. And heal he did, with the help of plants from his Kauai backyard. Since then, he runs Kauai Farmacy, a medicinal herb farm that honors the land and its bounty, empowering the conscious farming movement.

I had the pleasure of visiting his farm where they speak to plants and harvest them with such care and passion, it’s become nearly impossible for me to drink heat-dried, stale tea bags ever since!

If you’ve been a patient, read my book, or joined our online tribe, you know how strongly I feel about hydration and about a month-long trial off of coffee (orally, anyway). Loose leaf teas are a perfect medicinal beverage to introduce you to the healing power of plants, lovingly grown and prepared, and to the power of therapeutic foods over supplements.

Their teas are beyond organic, hand picked, and low temp dehydrated. My faves are Women’s Wellness and Puritea which I drink after plane travel."

- Kelly Brogan MD