Turmeric - Strengthening the Heart and Liver...

April 30, 2017

Turmeric - Strengthening the Heart and Liver...

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa), aka Olena in Hawai'ian, is revered for its highly circulatory, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting properties. This is due to Turmeric's active compound Curcumin (the component also responsible for its signature golden color). We take careful measures to harvest our turmeric when all the leaves fall back, rendering a surge in potency for the bellowing underground rhizome. The medicine is harvested at this time; prepped and dehydrated soon thereafter; enabling us to powder and deliver it while it is freshest, most potent, and most effective. Great for strengthening the heart and liver function, promoting excess weight loss, and breaking up calcified matter in the body; that may lead to dis-ease and degenerative organ function. Turmeric is an active ingredient in many of our fine herb blends for this reason. This is a true golden recipe. Adding Turmeric to meals daily, drinking it in tea form, and applying it topically for skin irritations, wounds, and infections will aid in healthier lifestyle performance. We wish you all a golden day every day! Sending you love from the whole Kauai Farmacy team xoxoxo TURMERIC POWDER