When life gives you lemons, give thanks. These alkalizing fruits create balance in our body's PH, which can be quite erratic in our modern lifestyles. Aside from being a pure & delicious approach to boosting metabolic activity, by integrating lemon into your daily diet, you are also enabling other important vitamins and minerals to be more easily absorbed into your body; thus heightening organ function and aiding in their optimal performance. Our lemon rinds are cured raw in our solar dehydrators, and inoculated into some of our herbal blends like our Puritea Cleanse Powder.⠀ ⠀
Aside from all the health benefits the lemon rinds offer, they are also in part responsible for making our medicinal teas taste delicious. This basket of lemons will be squeezed for the Kauai Farmacy team to enjoy as a refreshment; and the rinds will be making their way into the next herbal tea batch. Lucky for us all!⠀